View the Trailer for the Award Winning Feature Length Documentary
"A Friend Indeed -
The Bill Sackter Story"!
Abandoned in a mental institution at age 7, Bill Sackter would never see his family again. When he was released 44 years later, a chance meeting with a young college student (Barry Morrow) changed his life forever.
Bill became the harmonica-playing proprietor of “Wild Bill’s Coffee Shop” and his upbeat personality soon got him noticed. Even though he couldn’t read or write, he deeply embraced every moment and every relationship. All he needed was a second chance.
Bill’s life story spread throughout the country when Mickey Rooney and Dennis Quaid starred in the highly successful tv movie “Bill” (1981) which dramatized Bill and Barry’s relationship. It was a landmark production that forever changed the world’s perception of people with disabilities.
A FRIEND INDEED – THE BILL SACKTER STORY is filmmaker Lane Wyrick’s inspiring documentary about hope, compassion, and the power of friendship.
Using actual photos, film and video footage of Bill Sackter (taken by Morrow in the 1970s and 1980s) along with Wyrick’s newly filmed interviews with people closest to Bill, A FRIEND INDEED has been praised for its authenticity and rich emotion.
Even if you have never heard of Bill Sackter, by the end of the documentary you will know him like a close friend.
It’s an entertaining true story for the whole family that will touch your heart, bring you to tears, and ultimately leave you inspired.
The award-winning FEATURE LENGTH VERSION (90 min.) version of "A Friend Indeed - The Bill Sackter Story (Documentary DVD)" by Lane Wyrick Productions is now available exclusively at
This inspiring DVD includes the award-winning 90 minute theatrical version of "A Friend Indeed - The Bill Sackter Story" plus over two hours of bonus material including:
• An Insightful Director’s Commentary Track
• Lots of Additional Footage of Bill & Friends
• New Interviews, Deleted Scenes, & Audio recordings
• The World Premiere Event at Hancher Auditorium
• Behind the Scenes Orchestra Recording in Seattle
• Theatrical Trailer, Biographical Info ...and more
If you already own the DVD, here are some ways you can make a difference:
Please Write a Customer Review at This will help spread the word to people around the world, many of whom have never heard of Bill Sackter.
You can also post your review or a link to on your Facebook/Twitter or other social networks, or in a blog, or in any other digital or print media.
This special DVD includes free Public Screening Rights, so if you own the DVD you can host your own screenings of any size!
Get "A Friend Indeed" into your local schools! Help make a difference in the lives of students and donate one or more DVDs for classroom use. Or donate it to a local Public Library for others to enjoy.
If you have questions, comments, or ideas on how to spread the word about "A Friend Indeed" please email Lane Wyrick at: Thanks for your help!